Executive Briefing

A new tennis brand for everyone

Meet LA’s All-Love Racquet Club. Also: Is Airbnb getting worse? Or better? Yes. And some NYC retail notes.

All-Love Racquet Club founder Erika Bond

This weekend in Long Beach: A tennis festival and block party, featuring instruction, friendly competition, yoga, boxing, food trucks, and live music.

It’s the first event organized by All-Love Racquet Club, a new community and lifestyle brand created around inclusivity in tennis and other racquet sports.

“For so long, the tennis industry has almost been gate-kept,” founder Erika Bond (pictured above), a former Division 1 college tennis player and now LA-area tennis pro, tells me. “You’ve been told you need to look or act or make a certain amount to have access.”

Now, she says, there’s a “diverse demand” that’s not being met by the industry’s traditional brands and institutions. “And that’s where I think All-Love can step in.”

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Dan Frommer

Hi, I’m Dan Frommer and this is The New Consumer, a publication about how and why people spend their time and money.

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